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Only available to Education staff members.

Enjoy exclusive deals and discounts!
Enjoy exclusive deals and discounts!
Enjoy exclusive deals and discounts!
Great 2,223 reviews on Rated Great

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Yes, it really is! It's free to join and free to use our discounts. We operate as an affiliate marketing company, so we work with hundreds of brands and earn a small commission when a member uses our discounts. This helps to fund our operation and allows us to provide our discounts to our members free of charge. 

Our discounts scheme is for all staff who work in the education sector, in any role.

No, we do not sell member data. Our member data is only shared with the brands that we work with who are on our website.

For more information, take a look at our full Privacy Policy

If you wish to discuss this in more detail our Data Protection Officer would be more than happy to help on [email protected]

No, we don't provide a discount card as all our discounts are claimed through our website. However, you can sign up for an Ode Card, which is just one of our hundreds of offers. The Ode Card is a pre-paid cashback card that can be used when shopping online and in-store.

With the Ode card, you can earn up to 12% cashback when shopping at qualifying retailers.