Formal Complaints Procedure
Last updated on 26 September 2024
Our aim
We are committed to providing a quality service for our members and working in an open and accountable way that builds trust and respect.
We ensure to listen and respond to the views of our members, responding positively to complaints, and by putting mistakes right. We have effective, impartial, and transparent procedures for the reasonable and prompt handling of complaints.
We aim to:
- Make the process of making a complaint as easy as possible.
- Treat all complaints as a clear expression of dissatisfaction with our service which calls for a timely response.
- Investigate promptly, politely and, where appropriate, confidentially.
- Respond in the right way - for example, with an explanation, update, an apology if we have got things wrong, or information on any action taken.
- Learn from complaints, assess trends or similarities, and use that to improve.
How we will handle your complaint
Stage 1
In the first instance, if our Customer Service Team cannot resolve your complaint this will be escalated and reviewed by an appropriate senior person who will provide an update within 3-5 working days.
Upon escalation, your complaint will be logged and tracked with written communication recorded. We will:
- Investigate the complaint competently, diligently, and impartially, obtaining additional information as necessary;
- Consider all relevant factors.
- Assess fairly, consistently, and promptly:
- the subject matter of the complaint;
- whether the complaint should be upheld;
- what remedial action or redress (or both) may be appropriate;
- if appropriate, whether we have reasonable grounds to be satisfied that another respondent may be solely or jointly responsible for the matter alleged in the complaint;
iv. Offer redress or remedial action when we decide this is appropriate;
v. Explain to you, in a way that is fair, clear, and not misleading, our assessment of the complaint, our decision on it; and whether the complaint should be upheld; and
vi. comply promptly with any offer of remedial action or redress accepted by you.
Stage 2
Our aim is to resolve all complaints as quickly as possible, and to keep you informed along the way. However, inevitably some# issues will be more complex and therefore may require longer to be fully investigated.
If a matter requires more detailed investigation, or if there are delays from any 3rd parties involved, then the Customer Service Team will update you regularly describing what action is being taken to deal with the matter, when a full reply can be expected, and from whom. Notwithstanding this, we will aim to respond to, and fully resolve complaints within a maximum of 8 weeks.
Stage 3
If you remain unhappy, and our proposed solution is not acceptable to you, you have the right to escalate your complaint to a member of our Senior Leadership Team, who will be in touch within 10 working days.
Our final response will normally be given within 8 weeks from your original complaint date and will be a written response which will either:
- accept your complaint and, where appropriate, offer redress or remedial action; or
- offer redress or remedial action without accepting your complaint; or
- reject your complaint and give reasons for doing so;
If we are not able to fully respond in 8 weeks, we will communicate to you why we are not in a position to make a final response and indicate when we expect to be able to provide one. When we are able to respond then the complaint investigation continues until such time as we are able to give a full response to you.
If your complaint is not related to consumer credit products or insurance products, regulated by the Financial Conduct authority (FCA)
This is the final stage of our Complaints Process for products not regulated by the FCA.
If your complaint is related to consumer credit products or insurance products, regulated by the Financial Conduct authority (FCA)
If you remain unhappy, and our proposed solution is not acceptable to you, you have the right to escalate your complaint. We will send to you the website details of the Financial Ombudsman Service, and explain that, if you remain dissatisfied with our response, you may now refer your complaint to the Financial Ombudsman, and in what timeframe this must be done, with your consent. We are obligated to comply with their ruling.
This is the final stage of our Complaints Process for products regulated by the FCA.