How Do I Use Discounts for Teachers?
Offers & Discounts
We answer some frequently asked questions about using Discount for Teachers deals and discounts on this page.
Can’t find what you are looking for? Why not take a look at our FAQ sections
Once you've found a deal that you want to use, click on the 'Get Deal' button.
'Get Deal' will take you directly to the brand's website to make your purchase and the prices shown will include the discount.
If the offer requires a discount code, click on the 'Get Code' button and we will provide you with a voucher code.
Copy the code and we will take you to the brand's website to make your purchase and enter the code at the checkout.
We also provide printable vouchers and e-vouchers which you can use in-store. All of the information is provided in the T&C's on each offer page.
We have hundreds of discounts on our website. All of our deals are listed and you can find them categorised in our menu bar, or by using our search function.
If you can't find a brand or discount on our website, then unfortunately, we don't have an offer available at that time.
Please take a look around our website to see if there are any alternatives so that you don't miss out on a saving.
We are always working hard to secure new discounts and bring new brands to our website and we would love to hear more about what you would like to see, so please let us know here.
Want to get involved with our scheme? Amazing! Before we get started, there are some things you need to know. Firstly, eligible members can sign up for our scheme without needing to provide proof.
Once you have signed into the profile, you will notice there are terms and conditions for specific discounts - this leads to our second point. Some of the listings will require identification, which can take shape in various forms. This step is often defined by the agreement we have with our partners.
Sometimes you might see a message stating an offer is unavailable.
Unfortunately, this means that the offer has expired or we no longer have the deal in place with the brand at that time.
Our team will be working hard to secure a new brand or an improved deal for our members.
Please take a look around our website to see if there are any alternatives so that you don't miss out on a saving.
You can head over to our website to reclaim a discount that interests you. In some cases, a store may give you an in-store discount after presenting your ID, but please note that this is not one of our offers.
Currently, we do not provide a discount card, as all our discounts are claimed through our website. However, what we do offer is the ode cashback card. The ode cashback card is a pre-paid cashback card that can be used when shopping online and in-store.
With the ode cashback card, you can receive up to 12% cashback when shopping at participating retailers. Please note that some stores may offer an in-store discount after displaying ID; this is not one of our offers.
To sign up for the ode cashback card, please see here.
E-Vouchers & Gift Cards Enquiries
If your enquiry relates to any of our e-vouchers or gift cards, please contact:
Email - [email protected]
Telephone - 01908 303530
Please only contact this team if you are having difficulty registering for pre-paid discounted gift cards and e-Vouchers, would like more information about pre-paid discounted gift cards and eVouchers or you’d like to discuss an existing order starting with "MGP".
Cinema Discounts Enquiries
For support with this benefit, we have a dedicated team available to assist you with your enquiry. Please see below -